Here's What You Must Do To Keep Traveling with the Baby Comfortable

Traveling while carrying a baby, does not mean it will always be difficult and troublesome. Although it takes time to calm your baby. Let's consider the following tips so you can enjoy the trip comfortably. Actually carrying a small baby to travel or take a vacation tends to be easier, because the activity is still limited. Moreover, carrying babies under 6 months who do not need MPASI, so the mother does not need to prepare a special food or drink supply.

Things that need to be considered

In order to keep traveling with the baby comfortable, a number of things must be considered:
  • The right transportation choice

  • If you decide to travel by plane, you can ask the airline what facilities are available for babies. For example, food or a place to change diapers. It's also a good idea to look for a seat near the toilet. It is better to choose a flight time in the morning or evening, because the possibility of a flight delay is smaller. When taking off or landing, feed your little one or give him a snack so he doesn't feel pain in his ears due to changes in air pressure in the plane. Traveling by train with Little is a mode of transportation that is fairly ideal, because it has more free space to move compared to the plane. Meanwhile, if you travel by car, make sure your little one sits in a special seat that is securely installed in the car and don't forget to hook your seat belt.
  • Flexible itinerary

  • For a trip to bring Little, better in the form of personal and family trips compared with a tour group. Generally, such groups already have a busy schedule. Traveling alone is more flexible in arranging schedules. If your child is fussy or sleepy, can stop to rest first. After traveling long distances to your destination, if possible, on the first day you should use the time to rest at once to get your child to be in a new place.
  • Baby gear that is practical and as needed

  • In addition to clothes and baby needs that are usually brought, you also have to prepare health equipment and personal medicine. For example thermometers, sunscreens, gels to relieve mosquito bite marks or minor burns for example due to excessive sun exposure. And make sure the little one is drinking enough so that he does not dehydrate. But, do not need all the baby gear brought well. If needed, you can rent a stroller, portable bed or other equipment during the trip. This is far more practical and easier when traveling with Little.
  • Creating a home atmosphere known to babies

  • Although located far from home, try to create an atmosphere that is similar to at home so that your child feels at home in a new place. You can bring her favorite blanket or doll. This can help him feel safe and comfortable, also eliminate the anxiety of being in an unfamiliar place.
Mother, don't worry too much anymore when traveling with a baby. Some of the tips above can help expedite the trip. But, keep in mind well, adjust to the conditions and circumstances of the Little One so that the trip can be more enjoyable.


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